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Kalifornijska ustawa SB 1233: Ochrona danych neuronowych na mocy przepisów o ochronie prywatności konsumentów


28 września 2024 r. gubernator Kalifornii podpisał ustawę Senate Bill 1233 (#SB1233), oznaczającą znaczne rozszerzenie kalifornijskiej ustawy o ochronie prywatności konsumentów (#CCPA). Ze skutkiem od 1 stycznia 2025 r. ustawa ta doda dane neuronowe do kategorii wrażliwych danych osobowych. To posunięcie podkreśla rosnące znaczenie ochrony zaawansowanych danych biometrycznych, ponieważ technologia nadal integruje się z ludzkimi systemami neuronowymi.

  • Czym są dane neuronowe?

Zgodnie z SB 1233, #neuraldata definiuje się jako informacje generowane na podstawie pomiaru aktywności centralnego lub obwodowego układu nerwowego konsumenta. Dane te są gromadzone bezpośrednio z układu nerwowego i nie są wywnioskowane z innych informacji, takich jak zachowanie lub preferencje. Przykłady danych neuronowych obejmują:

- Wzorce fal mózgowych (np. dane EEG)

- Sygnały nerwowe kontrolujące ruch lub reakcje

- dane dotyczące reakcji poznawczych, takie jak reakcje na bodźce lub poziom stresu

- Reakcje emocjonalne śledzone przez neuronowe mechanizmy sprzężenia zwrotnego

- Dane sensoryczne mierzące ból lub przyjemność bezpośrednio z aktywności neuronalnej

These forms of data are increasingly being used in technologies such as neuroprosthetics, brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), and neurofeedback devices. This information is highly sensitive because it can offer deep insights into a person’s mental and physical state, and even predict future behavior or health outcomes.

  • Impact on Businesses

 SB 1233 introduces new obligations for businesses that handle neural data. Businesses must:

 - Inform consumers about the collection and use of their neural data.

 - Limit the use of neural data to essential purposes as defined under the CCPA.

 - Allow consumers to restrict the use of their neural data beyond necessary business operations.

 - Implement strong security measures to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of neural data.

Businesses will need to integrate these practices into their data management systems, ensuring that neural data is handled with the same level of care as other sensitive personal information, such as biometric or genetic data.

  • The Growing Importance of Neural Data

Neural data has vast potential in fields such as healthcare, entertainment, education, and marketing. However, it also poses significant privacy risks due to the depth of information it can reveal about an individual.

For example:

- Neural data can be used to monitor neurological health conditions, like epilepsy or Parkinson's disease, providing real

-time insights into brain function.

- Neurofeedback can enhance learning experiences by tracking attention and focus levels.

- Some companies may explore using neural data to understand consumer preferences at a subconscious level, tailoring ads based on brain responses.

California's SB 1233: Protecting Neural Data Under Consumer Privacy Laws

On September 28, 2024, California's Governor signed Senate Bill 1233 (#SB1233) into law, marking a major expansion of the California Consumer Privacy Act (#CCPA). Effective from January 1, 2025, this law will add neural data to the category of sensitive personal information. This move highlights the growing importance of safeguarding advanced biometric data as technology continues to integrate with human neural systems.

  • What is Neural Data?

Under SB 1233, #neuraldata is defined as information generated from measuring the activity of a consumer’s central or peripheral nervous system. This data is collected directly from the nervous system and is not inferred from other information, such as behavior or preferences. Examples of neural data include:

 - Brainwave patterns (e.g., EEG data)

 - Nerve signals that control movement or responses

 - Cognitive response data, such as reactions to stimuli or stress levels

 - Emotional responses tracked through neural feedback mechanisms

 - Sensory data that measures pain or pleasure directly from neural activity

These forms of data are increasingly being used in technologies such as neuroprosthetics, brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), and neurofeedback devices. This information is highly sensitive because it can offer deep insights into a person’s mental and physical state, and even predict future behavior or health outcomes.

  •  Impact on Businesses

 SB 1233 introduces new obligations for businesses that handle neural data. Businesses must:

 - Inform consumers about the collection and use of their neural data.

 - Limit the use of neural data to essential purposes as defined under the CCPA.

 - Allow consumers to restrict the use of their neural data beyond necessary business operations.

 - Implement strong security measures to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of neural data.

Businesses will need to integrate these practices into their data management systems, ensuring that neural data is handled with the same level of care as other sensitive personal information, such as biometric or genetic data.

The Growing Importance of Neural DataNeural data has vast potential in fields such as healthcare, entertainment, education, and marketing. However, it also poses significant privacy risks due to the depth of information it can reveal about an individual.

For example:

- Neural data can be used to monitor neurological health conditions, like epilepsy or Parkinson's disease, providing real

-time insights into brain function.

- Neurofeedback can enhance learning experiences by tracking attention and focus levels.

- Some companies may explore using neural data to understand consumer preferences at a subconscious level, tailoring ads based on brain responses.

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